Airbiz understands the drivers of aviation and the business of airlines and airports. We keep current on industry trends and are closely connected with airports, airlines, investors, tourism industries, aviation organisations and government agencies.Aviation policies adopted by governments, regulatory bodies, airlines and airports often fundamentally impact on the structure and outcomes of a country’s aviation industry.

Airbiz has an in-depth understanding of national and regional aviation policies across many regimes, allowing us to provide knowledgeable and expert aviation policy advisory services to governments and economic/tourism development agencies.

We also provide strategic advice and support in all aspects of airport business, with emphasis on revenue generation from aviation activity. Key services include air service and incentive plan development, airport marketing strategies, and aeronautical pricing (including rate reviews and rate benchmarking).

Our core skills include:

  • Development of policy to grow regional and national aviation sectors
  • Destination demand/capacity analysis and forecasting
  • Balancing aviation infrastructure with airline business models and plans
  • Identification of appropriate funding mechanisms for infrastructure
  • Market research and analysis
  • Marketing strategy and plans for sectors and airports
  • Air service development (route development)
  • Aeronautical pricing review and benchmarking
  • Stakeholder consultation